Tuesday, June 23, 2015

the power of the Word

There is always comfort in the Word of God.  The word of God is quick and powerful. It is life. It is our weapon.

I find when I am struggling, fearful or just don't know what to do, I can always go the Word. I can recall it, quote it, speak it, read it, study it and it will bring me the answers that I need.

I know the Word of God is life and brings healing.  Last week, my sweet son had surgery on his mouth.  As he was waking up, he began to throw up and blood kept dripping from his nose and mouth.  He was having a rough time. I remembered Ezekiel 16:6 and began to quote it and pray over him.  That bleeding stopped within a couple of minutes and the nausea went away as well.  He began to rest and ask for something to eat.

Ezekiel 16:6 And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live.

I knew this verse because my father had told me the story about the time he was bleeding severely from a pressure point on his forehead. His parents and relatives quickly prayed that verse over him and the bleeding stopped.  The doctor at the hospital said that if the bleeding had not stopped, he would have died. God's word speaks life and healing. I can recount many testimonies of using the Word of God to pray for healing and for situations and the power of God revealed through those scriptures.

I cannot say that everything goes according to my plans. There are times when life events happen and we can feel frustrated and disappointed. But in the midst of those moments, we can turn to the Word of God and find comfort, joy and strength.  I can say that this last week, I have had to rely on the strength I find in the Word of God.  It is the only thing that I can trust.

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
This verse has been my strength and hope.  I know I can wait on the Lord and he will keep me through every trial.  It may not turn out the way I plan, but God has a better plan than I do.

Another verse I have clung to this week is Psalms 27: 13-14
I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. 14 Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!
How many times have we felt like giving up or losing heart when all we had to do was call on the Lord and apply His word to our circumstance.
I have reminded myself several times this week that I will see the goodness of the Lord. He is faithful and He loves us more than we understand. I have spoken it aloud,  "I will see the goodness of the Lord!" My soul leaps and my attitude changes when I speak it.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Jesus said His words are Spirit and they are life. John 6:63
It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.

I realize that we do not fully understand the power of speaking the Word of God. There is death and life in the power of the tongue Proverbs 18:21.  We can speak life  and we can speak death.
We can accomplish much more in our lives and spiritual walk with God when we begin to exercise the Word in our prayer and in our daily walk. When we pray it, use and believe it, God can do it. He will honor His Word. His word is intended to be our access point to Him.

When God commanded the Israelites to write His word on the walls of their homes and to tie it on their foreheads, it wasn't to establish a bunch of rules for them to follow.  It was to give them access to His word, to His Spirit, to Life.  It was to provide power for them to live and walk and give them strength in every circumstance.  God told them in Deuteronomy 30:12, "No, the word is near you; It is in your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it." It is why David declared, Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee. Psalms 119:11 and Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path Psalms 119:105. David understood that power for life comes from the Word of the Lord. He knew God was near when the Word was present in his heart and mouth. Knowing the Word, means God is near.

So many see rules and regulations. They think the Word of God is not relevant or important.  There are many that question the validity of the interpretations and argue over it.  There are those that question it and want to throw it out. There are many that want to claim it is untrue and not needed. This is a distraction intended to keep us from using the Word as it was intended by God. Don't be distracted from the Word of God.

When we really begin to get a hold of the Word of God, it can bring us life like we have never understood. It can give us strength to stand. It can give us peace and joy.  It can heal and deliver. The Word can do more when spoken, than we can ever accomplish on our own. It can also destroy the enemy, shut down attacks, and win wars. There is nothing more powerful than the Word of God. When we wield the Word, we are wielding the sword of the Spirit. It is our weapon Ephesians 6:17.
This is why I want to find delight in the Word of God. This is why I want to read it everyday.  This is why I want to make sure it is hidden well in my heart. I want access to the Word of God, to His Spirit, to Life.
The Bible is not just a lifeless fairytale, it is alive and living.  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1  The Word is how we know God.

Speak it and see His goodness. See what He can do.  Learn it to understand Him and know His plans for you. Pray it to see His mighty hand move.  We will see the goodness of the Lord. We can wield it effectively and purposefully to accomplish God's plan for us.


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