Monday, August 27, 2018

filling the temple

I was looking at some pictures of beautiful, old buildings and I was amazed at how intricate the details are. The construction took place years ago and yet the ornate carvings and designs have endured. Today, we don't use that same craftsmanship in our buildings. It was truly a use of art in the very design of the buildings many of these buildings were churches and temples. The best was poured into a place of worship.
It got me thinking about the temple that Solomon built for God in the book of  1 Kings. David, his father, had gathered materials and laid out the plans. Solomon took the charge from David and commissioned artisans and gifted builders to create the most beautiful temple, overlaid in gold with masterpieces designed into the walls and tapestries. It must have been awesome to see.  I am not sure artist renderings capture even half of the splendor. The purpose of this temple was to be a house of worship for God Almighty , where His presence actually dwelt and manifested. When Solomon dedicated the temple, in 1 Kings 8:10, a cloud  filled the temple. The priests could not perform their service because the glory of the Lord filled his temple. It's amazing to think about.  The priests and the Israelites had a set of laws for how they entered the temple and how the temple was to be reverenced. It was a place of holy worship for the majesty of God.

Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who  is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.
I Corinthians 6:19‭-‬20 NKJV

Paul wrote that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. When we have the Spirit of God in us, we are described as a temple.  Our very bodies house the Spirit of God. If I am a temple that has the Spirit of God dwelling within, there will be a different way of living. God is holy and righteous. He is not a God who will tolerate sin.

If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.
I Corinthians 3:17 NKJV

God comes in and cleans us up, gets rid of the sin and moves in. He will not want us to bring in the sin again and fill up our house with it. He is there.
There is a vision described by Ezekiel in chapter 8, where God revealed to Ezekiel the detestable things occurring in the temple. The temple was defiled and God was not pleased. Judgement came. The people would not heed the warnings of Ezekiel. The glory of God was not willing to stay in the presence of the sin that was filling the temple. Ezekiel was distraught and God was angry.

God does want us to recognize that we are His temple and as such, we need to think about what we allow into our temple. As we view media, read information, participate in certain activities, we should always be mindful, that we are the temple of the Living God. And yes, while He is merciful and full of grace, we need to make an effort to willingly please Him. I want to be sure the glory of God fills my temple so much that there is no room for anything else. I do not want to allow a secret sin or even a casual thing to enter and become sin before His presence.  There is a children's  song that explains this concept very well, "Oh, be careful little eyes what you see." It addresses what we see, hear, say, go, and do.  Each part of our body that actually brings in information is mentioned because that information will be planted and effect our thinking, feeling, and beliefs.  Some may not think it a major deal to watch certain types of entertainment, but eventually, the things you watch, hear, and do will effect the way you think, speak, and act.  I may be stepping on toes, maybe  my own, but if what I am doing brings things into my thoughts and ideas that are against God, I may need to turn from those things. I need to make sure my temple is a place of worship for my God who lives in me.

The way we think about about ourselves should also change. I am not my own. I have been bought with a price.  I am not in charge.  That actually takes a lot of pressure off of me and I can trust the One who is in charge: God. I also begin to think twice about how I treat myself.  I have sometimes allowed myself to criticize my self, to think poor thoughts about who I am and how I look, etc.  I may even allow those feelings of poor self worth to bring me to binge eat that dessert I don't need or to not take care of my health.  I have witnessed people partake in substances and activities that destroy the body and reduce self worth even more. Their body becomes so broken, it is hard to function or even do what God may have called them to do.
This is not the plan or purpose God has for our lives and bodies. His plan is to fill us with His Spirit and to dwell in us and with us. He wants to be there as our Savior, our Comforter, our friend.  He wants full access to every part of us. We cannot keep back just a part of our temple for indulging our self interests. It would be like going to buy a house and moving in, only to find the previous owner is still going to live in one of the rooms. We wouldn't accept that. We should not ask God to do the same. Let's  rethink what it really means to be a temple of God.

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which  is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:1‭-‬2 NKJV

We live as a temple of God.We present ourselves to be acceptable and holy before God. We are transformed into new creatures by His Spirit.  We are no longer going to want to bring into our temple the things that displease our new Master of the house. We will instead seek for the things that will please Him. Let's be a magnificent temple for Him, a place where He will dwell forever. ( 1 Kings  8:13)  Let our temple be adorned with our masterpieces and our worship. Let's make God's presence comfortable and invited always into every part of our being. Let's  be filled with worship for the Mighty Savior who came in and changed us into new creatures.  Let's make sure our temple is a pleasing dwelling place for our Lord, clean, pure and holy before God.

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