Sunday, January 3, 2016

just a vapor

This is the beginning of a new year. It is amazing that we are now in 2016. Time keeps moving whether we want it to or not.  This past week, we traveled to visit some dear friends. On the way, we were detained for about three hours due to a terrible accident that had occurred ahead of us.  My husband quickly pointed out that if we had not left the house late, we may have been involved in that accident ahead.  We were thankful we were not involved. I was also saddened to know someone had lost their life just a couple of miles ahead. I always struggle emotionally when I see or hear about car accidents. That is how I lost my mother. I know that terror of receiving a call and hearing the heart wrenching news.  I empathize with those families because of my experience. While we were visiting our friends, we visited Kennesaw Battlefield. It was interesting to walk through the museum and see pictures and names of those who had fought for what they believed in. They young men who died in battle and the leaders during the civil war left behind a legacy for the United States. I began to think about those young men and how we were learning about them, their names and their deaths over two hundred years later. That is amazing to me.  We were able to show our children this place and what it meant to our country. We were also able to show them how these young men had sacrificed their lives. These young men that were too young, in my opinion, to die. I guess as I write this, I am thinking about how life is short and comes and goes quickly.  I realize I am aging much more quickly than I ever imagined.  I look at my children and realize that they are growing quickly.  My beautiful daughter is now taller than me and is becoming a young lady.  Her interests are changing quickly.  My little boy is no longer my little baby. He is a strong, healthy, busy boy.  I am realizing my time with them in my home is becoming short.
In James 4:14 it says, "whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away."
Life is but a vapor. It comes and goes quickly.  But what do you do with it.  I was reading an article today about a man who realized his time spent had been wasted with drinking and took a break from drinking. He wrote the article about how the two years spent without drinking had changed his life.  He talked about how he wanted to leave behind something important when he died, not just great conversations with friends. He wanted to create something that would live on after him. He had begun writing and creating what he hopes will be a legacy to leave past his time on earth.

One thing, I am realizing is that life is short. It comes and goes quicker than I ever imagined. I remember thinking that I would be "SO OLD" when it was the year 2000.  Here it is already 2016. I hope I leave behind something that lives on past me.  I want to leave behind something that counts. I read the following blog about how we should and can really pray that the things in our life should count.

The author talks about asking God to "Make it count."  So many times, we get so caught up in our problems, our concerns and our issues, that we forget to just ask God to do His will and make it count for His glory.  I want the healing and the blessings. I ask for what I want, but what I really need to ask, is that His will be done and that He use whatever it is to bring glory to His name. I want it to count.  I want my life to count for something.  I want my life to count as a light of Christ's love to this world and to me.  I want it to count and be spoken of as a life that spoke of the goodness of God. I am praying that this year God will be more evident in my thoughts and actions.  I pray that I am completely surrendered to His will.  I pray that His will be done in my life and that He makes it count for His kingdom.  I don't want to build my kingdom.  I don't want to just build for my own comfort and desires. I want to make a difference for the Kingdom of God. I want to be the answer to a prayer, I want to be used to meet a need for someone else. I want to be the one who encourages another or helps when no one sees hope. Not for my glory, but because God sees that I am willing to be his hands, his feet, his voice. I want to be ready and willing to be His when He needs me. I don't want to pass from this life just doing whatever, I want to pass from this life having left a legacy of love and life from the Savior.  Time is short, I have but this one life to live.  I have a purpose to live for God and for His glory.  May God place His purpose on my life and use me according to the plans He has made.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
His plans are perfect for us.  We need to trust His love for us and that he will not harm. He gives hope and a future; a future not just on this earth, but for eternity.  Lord, help me to trust you with my future, my life, and with all the plans, not just for eternity, but for the everyday.  Help me come to you first and find you before I go out into the day.  Help me, Lord, to trust you to make my path straight. Help me submit all my ways to you.

Proverbs 3:6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

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