Intentional. This word keeps resonating and activating something deep inside my spirit. To be intentional is to act with purpose. So many times, we allow our spiritual walk with God to become almost stagnant or accidental. What do I mean? We forget that we have purpose and we must act with purpose. We may go through the motions. We may not understand the purpose of what we are doing. Why do we pray? Why do we study the Word? Why do we meed to be a light and witness? We shouldn't just hope we get some prayer and study time in, but we must intentionally plan and purpose to pray and study the Word. We must be intentional about how we pray and what we pray. We must study the Word with a purpose. We must intentionally seek out ways to witness and love with the love of God. We need to seek purpose.
What is the purpose for our lives, our prayers, our study? Do you have a purpose or are you just walking haphazard through life hoping all works out? We can feel that way at times. But, we can take some time to talk to God and re-evaluate purpose.
I have a purpose. God gives me purpose just because I am identified as His child. I have been redeemed, sanctified and justified because His blood has washed me and saved me. My purpose is to have relationship with Jesus, real relationship, that changes me, directs me, and makes me over in His image. I can see His will fulfilled in my life. (1 John 4:12)
My prayer has a purpose. It is a time of communication with my Lord and Savior. It is a time of conversation, speaking and listening, humbling of self, communion with God's Spirit, and allowing Him to reveal himself to us. Prayer should be intentional and focused. It should be a time intimacy where praise and love is declared, as well as a time of presenting needs to God. It can be a time of just hearing Him speak. It should be a time that has great purpose. Great men of God in the Bible and throughout history have understood that prayer is a lifeline for our souls. Prayer is where relationship is built, where we hear from God and he hears from us. That's why the saying, "Prayer changes things" exists. Prayer moves the mighty God to reveal himself to us in response to our petitions. Prayer is powerful. (1 Timothy 2:8)
Studying God's Word should have purpose. It should not be just something we do to fulfill religious duty. The Bible is the inspired Word of God. To spend time reading it, learning it, understanding it, is time spent becoming more intimate and knowledgeable of who God is and how He relates to us. Wisdom and knowledge are revealed through His word. His word is living, alive and powerful. We cannot go through this life without developing our knowledge of the One who created us, loves us, and redeems us. The purpose of study is to grow spiritually. We need to fall in love with the Word, crave the Word, learn the Word so it can be used to uplift ourselves and others, reveal wisdom and who God is, and help us understand truth. (2 Timothy 2:15)
We all have individual purpose created in our being. God has given us each talents and gifts that are meant to be used for His Kingdom and purpose. So many of us do not understand that God has given us each a purpose for His Kingdom. We are members of the Body and are not meant to be identical, or all the same part. But each is created to fulfill our individual role. I can't be a hand, when I am meant to be an ear, or a leg. (1 Corinthians 12) we all have a reason and purpose for our talents and gifts. God has equipped us to be members of His Body (Ephesians 4:12).
May we become intentional and allow God's purpose to become our purpose, for that is truly when we find peace and joy. When worry fades and fear is destroyed. When failure and sin no longer reign. Let's fulfill God's purpose for us.
for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.
Philippians 2:13 NIV