But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. Luke 2:19
This verse has always stood out to me. Mary had been visited by an angel and given a tremendous message about a miracle baby. We all know the story. after his birth, shepherds showed up to worship this little baby, the Messiah, with their own story of angels bringing a message. Mary experienced the miracles of the birth, the visits from the shepherds and the wise men. She knew who her baby was. She kept all these things in her heart. She pondered them. She placed great value on these things. She wanted to remember them, to cherish them, and be able to marvel upon them over time. She was probably the one who told the disciples and the writers of the gospels about the birth of Jesus and the visitors who showed up. She may have been the one who became the messenger about the miracle baby born to be the Messiah.
Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Psalm 119:11
David wrote about hiding the word of God in his heart. He wanted the word of God to be in his heart to keep him from sinning. He not only kept the word of God in his heart, he allowed the word to affect him, lead him and change him. He allowed the word of God to challenge him and humble him when he needed it. He loved the word of God. He read it and learned it.
A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. Luke 6:45
We, too, need to hide the word of God in our hearts. We need to keep the testimonies and the experiences we have with God in our hearts and minds to keep us. What we place in our hearts is what we think about or ponder. Mary pondered, thought about all she had seen. She would probably remember it and pour over it, recounting the details. We can ponder and think about the word of God and the things he has done for us. The testimonies and experiences we have with God can become what we ponder. Recount the details of what he has done to be lifted up and encouraged. When we think on the things of God, we are lifted up in faith and strengthened in spirit. The treasure of our heart is what we value and what we think about. It becomes the memories we recall and what we tell others. The treasure of our hearts should be what God has done and his mighty deeds. I want to think about the word of God and his wonderful blessings. He has kept me daily, provided for me and has performed miracles. I have heard others testify of God's great love and what he does for them. He is good. I want to ponder these things. I want my heart full of his love and goodness and the testimonies of him showing me how good he is.
When my heart is full of the things of God, my mouth will speak of Him. I want to be the mouthpiece that tells others of a great and mighty God who is full of love and goodness. I want my testimony to pour forth out of my mouth that others may know the goodness of God. I want the abundance of my heart to be completely devoted to the evidence of God's great love for me and his people. I want to be able to say that like Mary, I kept these things in my heart and pondered them.