I was thinking the other day about how growing up, we could always run to mom or dad and present them our concerns and our accomplishments. We were not afraid to run to them to ask for help, to tell them our latest joy, or to even present them a problem. My own kids call out for mom or dad when they have trouble or when they are excited. When that phone rings and it is my kid, I will not hesitate to answer that phone. I want to know what they need. I want to rush to help or to rejoice about whatever they are doing. I want to do for them sometimes more than they expect, not because they worked and earned it, because they are mine and I love them. We have that same effect on our heavenly Father. He loves us even more than the best parent. He is a God of love and the One who extended grace, unmerited favor to a broken people. He sent his son to die for our sins. He reached out to a fallen world to not only give salvation, but to extend grace beyond what we could ask or think.
Grace is what gives us access to the throne of God and covers us. He died so we might have life. In verse fourteen of chapter 2, it says: For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us. When Jesus died on that cross, the vail in the temple was torn through revealing the Holy of Holies to those who had had no access to it in the past. This proclaimed that everyone was able to walk into the presence of God because of Jesus' sacrifice. We can approach the throne of God with our petition and our praise. We are robed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ and when we approach the holy presence of God, the righteousness of Jesus grants us the right to be there as stated in chapter two. 18. For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father. 19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God. We are now a part of the family. Grace covers us, changes us, and causes us to be new. We become the habitation of God through the Spirit. His spirit lives in us, granting us peace, joy, and guidance. His presence dwells in us. We cannot earn this, but it is given to us in unmerited favor.
Paul explained that because of the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ, we are saved. Because of Jesus, we are made a part of the family of God. Because of him, we are able to access the Holy One. We were never able to do that on our own. His grace and mercy are a gift that provides great access. We are now able to make our petitions known to God. We are able to bow before him in worship. We are able to speak with him for ourselves. We are able to know him and learn his voice. We can go directly to God and He will respond in great love for us. He sees our needs, he hears our prayers, and he blesses us. We can have a relationship with God because we are now part of his family. We can sit at his table and feast on the good things of God. We can call on Him and his grace and mercy come running. He loves us and cares about our needs. He will answer with his exceeding riches of grace. He is rich in mercy; His love is great and poured out on us. His exceeding grace has saved us. Walk in the full understanding that God's exceeding grace is covering you today. Walk in the confidence of knowing the grace Giver.