Saturday, December 12, 2015

then he smiled at me

So the Christmas carols are playing and many are beautiful, some are fun, some are full of meaning.  I do love many of the Christmas carols.  There is one that always makes me cry, Little Drummer Boy.
I know it is not necessarily biblical, but I get swept up in the idea presented.  If you don't know this sweet song, it is of a little boy who comes along with the wise men and wants to present a gift to the baby Jesus.  He has nothing but talent to play his drum and asks if he may play his drum for Jesus.  He then plays his best for Jesus.
The line that always hits me is the last one, "Then he smiled at me, me and my drum."

I begin to think about Jesus smiling at me.  Can you imagine that Jesus is smiling at you because you have presented your best to him?  How truly amazing it would be to see His face smiling at us. Do you think perhaps he smiles often because of you?  Have you presented Him your best talents, your best of yourself?

Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men,

Whatever we do, should be done with our best attitude and best effort for God.  I have often reminded myself that even the most mundane and difficult should be done as if I am doing them for God.  I remind my children that we should do our best in all things because it is for God.  I often forget that.  Do I take shortcuts, ignore things I know I need to do, or even refuse to have a good attitude when I have to do that one chore I hate?   The answer is a resounding yes. Does that cause God to love me less?  The answer is no.  He still loves me and He still blesses me.

Just like parents love their children even when they leave a mess in their room, or shove the mess under the bed.  We still love them, but there is nothing like knowing a child has tried hard to please you or have done their best at a task.  It does make a parent smile.  That child, in turn, is full of pride and pleasure knowing their parent is pleased and smiling at them.  That is why I want to see Jesus smile.
I want to see Jesus smile because he recognizes that I love him so much in return for what He did for me.  I want him to recognize that my heart is finding joy in pleasing Him.  I want Him to know that I choose to do my best for him because I love him.

Matthew 25:23 His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’

There will also be a time when we will stand before God and he will make a judgement.  I want to hear him say "Well done."  I want to hear the joy and pride in His voice as he invites me to enter into the joy of my Lord.  Can you even imagine????  I think that will be the most joyous event ever!!  I want to be with him for eternity.  I want to be with my Savior forever.

Doing my best here doesn't earn that place in heaven, because His gift of salvation comes through a repentant heart and I cannot earn salvation.  Doing my best is an act of demonstrating how my I love Him and appreciate the ultimate sacrifice He gave in order for me to have that gift of salvation.
I want to show Him how much I love him.  I will try to remember to always do my best for him .  I will remember every time I hear Little Drummer Boy.  I will remember when tears well up in my eyes and I once again think about that smile.

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