I was so privileged to get to attend the general conference for the A.B. of C. In Hot Springs. I always leave there feeling like my spirit has been fed and refreshed. All the messages were wonderful. One of my favorite days is getting to hear the missionaries give the reports and share about the mission works around the world. I usually take copious notes to review later. As I sat down and began flipping through my notes this morning, I realized each missionary had a statement I had written down. Whether they planned to or not, God organized them into a great flow and message.
"Be an encourager." -Bro. Eric Kirkendall
We need to encourage others. Speak words of life and blessing. Notice others needs and listen when they need to share. We can offer the love of God as we encourage others. We can speak words of life and hope to those around us and those whom we contact every day.
Therefore encourage one another with these words.
1 Thessalonians 4:18
"Invest in people." - Sis. Karen Lanning
How do we share the gospel? We invest in people. Many people invest in things, but God cares about people. He sends us to preach the gospel, love others and help others. We are to be His hands and feet. He invests in us, we need to do the same and reach out into others' lives.
Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2
"Your heart must go somewhere. " -Pastor David Penrod
Our heart must feel compassion and love. When we hear about a need, especially in missions or around us locally, we should have a heart that reacts and responds. Our heart should be filled with the love of God and pour out that love in the form of compassion and response to the need as much as we can. We can offer to help meet a need or connect with someone who can. We can pray as well. What is your heart loving, things or people? Our heart holds treasure dearly. What is your treasure? We need to have the heart of God for people.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:21
"Be refreshing to others." -Sis. Mary Mitchell
We must consider how we talk and act. How we treat others reveals what is in our heart. Do we refresh others or bring them down? Are we complainers, gossips, hurtful, or are we lifting up others? What are we offering to others? I was challenged by this. I want to refresh others. I want to walk in a room and when I walk out, leave those there feeling like they have been given a cold glass of water. I want them to feel refreshed, not dragged down by my words, attitude, or presence.
I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.
Jeremiah 31:25
"The Holy Spirit flows naturally." Bro. Steven Tolman
When we get in tune with God with daily relationship, His Spirit can flow through us and operate naturally. We will respond to Him and follow His leading. We will be ready to do the work he as for us and His will is accomplished. We should allow the Holy Spirit to flow and operate as He sees fit. This is when miracles take place, when souls are reached, when needs are met, when God is glorified. That is the true life-giving flow a Christian should have pouring from their lives.
Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.
John 7:38
These messages challenged me and renewed my mission. I hope and pray we all can purpose our daily walk to the flow of the Holy Spirit: to encourage, invest, love and refresh. May our hearts belong to God and His body. May we find that we are purposed to follow God's heart for those around us and around the world. May all we do glorify our Father in heaven.
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