Sunday, February 11, 2018

His promises will be done

As I read through the story of the Israelites in the Old Testament, there is one idea that never fails to be true. God kept His promises to His people.

Not one of all the Lord ʼs good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.
Joshua 21:45 NIV

This is still true today for us. God is faithful and His word holds true.  Last Sunday, during worship, the presence of God was so evident and overwhelming. Words did not seem enough. Singing did not seem enough. And as the congregation began to sing the words from There Is A Cloud:

And  with great anticipation
We await  the  promise  to come
Everything  that You  have spoken
Will  come  to pass, let  it  be done

I could not help but kneel before the very throne of God. I was overcome by the possibilities and the truth of God's promises that I know He has for me and those I know. I could hear God reminding me of all the promises fulfilled and those still being fulfilled.  I felt like I could actually see them coming to pass. I can't even explain how this all felt. But it seemed as though I was literally at Jesus's feet hearing Him tell me that His promises would be done.  I don't know how anyone else was feeling at this moment, but I had a moment with Jesus right there.  Things are different now. I cannot get that experience out of my thoughts and I cannot stop rejoicing over His promises.  They will be done.  What he has spoken, will come to pass. His word is True!!!

Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever.
Psalms 119:160 KJV

I have seen evidence that His promises are true I have seen hope spark in situations that seemed hopeless. I have seen prayers answered. This week, something horrible could have happened, but it was brought out into the light before it could occur. It was stopped beforehand.  I knew immediately that God answered prayers for my children's safety.  I knew he had made a way for their safety to be preserved. 
 I have heard my children speaking words of faith this week, words that give way to great hope in their lives. I know God promises to keep my children, and I see them happening in their lives this week.
 I saw a verse written in a notebook in my child's room and I realized just how much I cannot see into my children's hearts, but God can and His word is growing deep roots in their  hearts. I am encouraged and excited to see what God has in store.

There are some big promises He has for those around me, and I am anticipatong seeing them happen.  I am praising God this week.  I cannot help but feel excited about what He is doing all around me.  There are many people I know who have asked for some big things from God, and I see these things coming.  I  cannot wait to be a witness of the promises of God taking place.  I want to shout out praises because God is faithful and good. He keeps His word and His word is true. When we put all our hope and faith in Him, we can be sure that His word will be done.

And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.
John 14:13‭-‬14 NKJV

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