Monday, February 21, 2022

launch out

 Have you ever felt like God is challenging you to grow, go deeper, or do something you never thought you could do?  Have you questioned, worried, or tried to figure out how that dream you have for ministry will ever come to pass?  I think we may all have had some experience with this.  We want to see the dreams God has given us to come to fruition. We want to be used of God. I think Peter may have experienced this a few times. He started out with God telling him to do something a little crazy after trying to fish all night and had caught nothing. They were tired and ready to go home. But Jesus challenged.

Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. Luke 5:4

Upon obeying, the catch was so great it caused the nets to break. It did not make sense but Jesus stepped in and changed the situation. 

Another momentous act was when the disciples were out in the boat tossed by the waves when Jesus came walking on the water. When Jesus cheerfully revealed himself, Peter asked, "If it is you, bid me come. "

And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. Matthew 14:29

Here we see Peter obeyed and placed his trust in Jesus.  Yes, in the second story, we can read that Peter became fearful and Jesus had to pull him up from sinking. But the point is, he stepped out of that boat and began walking on the water. 

So many times, we may feel called to move, speak, write, or go, but we allow doubt and fear to hinder and stop us. God wants us to trust and obey.  I have spent many times of my life afraid of the outcome and did not do what I know God was asking of me. I did not obey all the while saying, "I trust you Lord." I did not demonstrate that trust with obedience. I hope I am not alone in that confession. 

God is ready to use his people. The first step is to trust, then obey.  The word 'obey' is in the King James Version 114 times with varying examples of those who do and don't obey the word of the Lord. I want to choose to obey his voice. 

I must know His voice. I cannot obey effectively if I have not spent time getting to know the voice of God. This comes with prayer, study of the word, some fasting, even and yes, listening. I must hear his voice. Jesus said in John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.  We will hear and know his voice when we follow him.

I want to obey in the small things so when he decides I am ready to tackle the big things, he can trust me to listen, trust and obey. Jesus spoke a parable demonstrating this very principle in Luke 19. He told the servant that he had been faithful in the little things and placed him as ruler over ten cities. I want to demonstrate to God that I am faithful in the small things. The Bible is full of small things we are to do. Love God first, love others, study to show yourself approved pray without ceasing, be witnesses, and the list can go on and on.  When we work on these small things, God can find us able to be used in greater ways or magnify these small things into great effectiveness for the Kingdom of God.  Sometimes, I think we see these commandments as a drudgery or as not important in the Kingdom, but without the foundations being laid and built, the Kingdom cannot stand. Each of us has a part in the Kingdom of God. We are all part of the plan and part of the building as well as the building process. Each stone laid is for a purpose in the Kingdom of God. Every prayer, time in study, time in worship, words spoken to share the gospel are not unnoticed by the King. 

So, I come to the verses again. Launch Out! Come! When God speaks and lays something on your heart, launch out and do what he is speaking. 

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