The other day I realized that I have known one particular verse pretty much my whole life. Psalms 23:1 The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. I recall being very small and being able to quote this verse with my mom and in Sunday school. This verse has been planted and embedded in my heart and mind for a long time. It popped up the other day in my mind as I was thinking and praying about some concerns and then again a little later on my Bible app as the verse of the day. I realized that God was reminding me that He is a good Shepherd that cares for His sheep.
The Hebrew for this verse is Jehovah Rohi. This literally means "The Lord our Shepherd." It means that God is a caring God who takes care of us and our needs. He provides and protects. That is what a good Shepherd does for His sheep. He doesn't leave them alone and in need. He is there tending the sheep and watching over them.
I needed to be reminded about how much He cares for me and all of us that day. We sometimes get so focused on life and the problems, we forget to rest in the knowledge that He is a good Shepherd watching over us in loving care and concern. He knows well what we need and what is best for us. In Matthew 6:8 Jesus said,
Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.
This tells us He is already aware and is working on our behalf. We don't need to worry, we only need to trust Him.
Why do we need to know the scriptures and verses such as these? These verses help me when I need to remember what God has promised and remember who He is. I need to know that His word speaks about my needs and even my desires. There are promises in His Word meant for all of us. Reading His word reveals these promises and learning them keeps them hid in our heart to rely on and sustain us when we need encouragement and strength. We can recall these verses and find life abundant to keep moving forward and keep growing faith in Him.
Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.
Psalms 119:11 KJV
My parents taught me scriptures early on. They planted a love for God's word and made sure I could find my strength in the Word of God. As a tiny child I knew The Lord is my shepherd. I have never forgotten this verse. It still brings peace and comfort some 40 plus years later. It is the Word that sustains and builds my faith. I can still rely on God's promises. I find there is no other joy or comfort like God's word. I am grateful I have Him to turn to in all situations, good and bad. Plant the Word and hide it in your hearts and your children's hearts. Give them and yourself the best source for life that there ever will be.
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